Thursday, April 29, 2010

Soalan /Latihan Yang Perlu DiCuba

Soalan Modul JPN kelantan paper 2 (3.1)
3.1 Yusoff started working for a company on 1 January 1995 with an initial annual salary of RM 21 000. Every January, the company increased his salary by 10% of the previous year’s salary.
(a) his annual salary, to the nearest RM, for the year 2008,

[ 3 marks]
(b) the minimum value of n such that his annual salary in the n th year will exceed RM 70 000,

[ 2 marks]
(c) the total salary, to the nearest RM, paid to him by the company, for the years 1995 to 2008.
[ 2 marks]
Posted by lsk at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
answer to 2.1

Posted by lsk at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Soalan Modul JPN Kelantan paper 2

Posted by lsk at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
Solution to Covent Garden Problem
The mixed apples were sold of at the rate of five apples for two pence. So they must would have had a multiple of five i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,…, 60, 65,… etc apples.

But the minimum number of apples they could have together is 60; so that 30 would have been of Mrs. Smith's that would fetch her 10 (an integer) pence and the other 30 of Mrs. Jones's that would fetch her 15 (also an integer) pence.

When sold separately it would fetch them 10+15=25 pence altogether. But when sold together it would fetch them 60X2/5=24 pence i.e. a loss of one (25-24=1) pence.

Since they lost 7 pence altogether; they had altogether 60X7=420 apples that fetched them only 420X2/5=168 pence and they shared 84 pence each of them. But Mrs. Jones could sell her 420/2=210 apples for 210/2=105 pence so she lost "21 pence".
Posted by lsk at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Covent Garden Problem
Here is a puzzle known as the Covent Garden Problem, which appeared in London half a century ago, accompanied by the somewhat surprising assertion that it had mystified the best mathematicians of England:
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Jones had equal number of apples but Mrs. Jones had larger fruits and was selling hers at the rate of two for a penny, while Mrs. Smith sold three of hers for a penny.
Mrs. Smith was for some reason called away and asked Mrs. Jones to dispose of her stock. Upon accepting the responsibility of disposing her friend's stock, Mrs. Jones mixed them together and sold them of at the rate of five apples for two pence.
When Mrs. Smith returned the next day the apples had all been disposed of, but when they came to divide the proceeds they found that they were just seven pence short, and it is this shortage in the apple or financial market which has disturbed the mathematical equilibrium for such a long period.
Supposing that they divided the money equally, each taking one-half, the problem is to tell just how much money Mrs. Jones lost by the unfortunate partnership?

Simultaneous Equation
Chapter 4 – Simultaneous Equations
In this chapter, students will be taught to solve simultaneous equations using the substitution method and solve simultaneous equation involving real-life situations.

1. Solve simultaneous equations in two unknown: one linear equation and one non-linear equation.
1.1 Solve simultaneous equations using the substitution method
The following simultaneous equation consists of a linear equation and a non-linear equation (up to second degree only).

Solving the equations means finding 2 sets of solutions that satisfy both the equation given, a linear equation and a non-linear equation. A general method of solution is to make one of the unknowns the subject of the linear equation, then substitute this value in the non-linear equation.From (i) we obtain y = 2x – 3 (iii)
Substitute y= 2x - 3 into (ii)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Testimoni Pelajar SPM 2009

Sakinah Radzuan
SM A Ihsan (Engineering UIA)
Terima kasik byk2 C. gu dah ajar
saya admt.. sami sy get A in SPM

Husna bt Adnan Maahad Tahfiz Phg
(Medic Alexandria Mesir)
Terima Kasih banyak2 atas
semua jasa Cikgu.
A+ adalah sangat best

Adebah Razlan Maahad Tahfiz Phg
(Usim nilai)
Apapun sy nak ucapkan terima kasih,
add math.. biasanya G,
SPM dapat B+.
Syukran ala kulli hal.

Hariz Hilmi Maahad Tahfiz Pahang
(Ulum Islamiyah al Azhar Universiti)
Alhamdulillah saya dapt A+ + math.
Terima kasih banyak2 cikgu..

Siti Nur Amirah SMA Ihsan
Alhamdulillah.. dapat A- je cikgu,
Terima kasih byk2
c Gu dah banyak tolong saya..
terkejut gak tengok result berjaya
gak dapat A tuk +math.. sblom ney cume usaha nak lulus je..
^^thnx banyak2 cikgu..=)

Kursus Untuk Tambah Ilmu Add Math

Bersama Guru Cemerlang Add Math DG 48

Tips Persediaan Untuk Exam

  • Tips For Exam

    Ten Tips - Exam techniquesTests and exams are a regular part of the school
    environment. It is important that exams be kept in proportion - they are
    important, but not the end of the world. Some things can be done to make exams a
    more valuable, worthwhile and less threatening experience for students.

  • 1. Have
    all necessary material with youYou can't borrow items such as pens, pencils,
    rulers or special equipment while in anexamination.

  • 2. Have a relaxing night
    before your examsHave an early night, and try to have a healthy breakfast

  • .3.
    Read the entire paper.Where you have choices, decide which ones you plan to

  • 4. Plan your time.Spend some time drafting a plan for the questions you
    choose to answer.

  • 5. Jot down ideas as they come to you.While you are answering
    one question, information about another may suddenly occur to you. Jot it down
    somewhere because when you come to that question perhaps an hour later,you may
    have forgotten it.

  • 6. Don't leave any questions unanswered.If you are short of
    time, use note form. Remember, you can only be marked on the answers you give.

  • 7.
    Never leave the room early.If you have time at the end, go over your work, add
    information (eg in the margin). You can'treturn if you suddenly remember a fact
    after you have left.

  • 8. Do not spend too long on multiple choice questions.With
    multiple choice questions it is best to cover the answers and work out your own
    beforelooking at the choices on paper. If you can't answer the question come
    back to it later - have aguess.

  • 9. Never omit an entire question.No matter how
    well you answer other questions, you must leave time for all questions -
    aperfect answer can still only earn a certain number of marks. If you write
    nothing, you can'treceive any marks and you have lost all your marks for a
    particular question. Write something - it may at least give you a few points.

  • 10.
    Maintain a stable energy level.Eating foods such as chocolate bars before an
    exam might give you an energy boost to beginwith but your blood sugar levels
    will drop within an hour and your energy will plungedramatically, making it hard
    for you to concentrate


Modul Add Mat Penang

Modul ADD MATH Pulau Pinang::part1
quadratic function
simultaneous equations
indices and log
coordinate geometry

Add Math Perak

KOLEKSI ULANGKAJI TOPIKALAnswer To Score (Perak) 2009Tingkatan 4FunctionsQuadratic EquationsQuadratic FunctionsSimultaneous EquationsIndices and LogarithmsCoordinate GeometryStatisticsCircular MeasureDifferentiationSolution of TrianglesIndex Number


"Sahabat yg baik adalah lebih mahal dari segunung emas permata. Oleh itu apabila kamu berdoa janganlah kamu minta segunung emas permata..tetapi mintalah dari Tuhanmu sahabat yg shaleh.." [klik disini]

Tips For Exam
Mathematics - SBP 2008
GE 2243

Standard Form
Set - Form 4
Motivate Yourself
Formula Add Math- Form 4
Mathematic Form 4 -Probability
Beauty of Mathematics
Research Paper
Test Your IQ...

Malaysia Students Blog
SPM Results: 214 Straight A+ Scorers from 7,987 Straight As

Academics Skill
Dictionary DBP
Didik UPSR
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
Minda Pelajar & Skor
Teaching and Learning

SPM Past Year Paper
Mathematics 2007

SPM Trial
Additional Mathematics Paper 1 (Johor)
Additional Mathematics Paper 1 (Pahang)
Additional Mathematics Paper 2 (Johor)
Additional Mathematics Paper 2 (Pahang)
Mathematics Paper 1 (Johor)
Mathematics Paper 2 (Johor)

SPM Trial SBP 2007
Add Math Paper 1
Add Math Paper 2
Math Paper 1
Math Paper 2

Mark Scheme
Mid exam SBP (Add Math Paper 1)
Mid exam SBP (Math Form 5)
Mid exam SBP(Add Math Paper2)
Trial Pahang (Add Math Paper 1)
Trial Pahang (Add Math Paper 2)
Trial SBP 2007 (Math Paper 1)
Trial SBP 2007 (Math Paper 2)
Trial SBP 2007(Add Math Paper1)
Trial SBP 2007(Add Math Paper2)

Ingatlah firman Allah swt

"Allah (pemberi) cahaya (kepada) langit dan bumi... Cahaya di atas cahaya (berlapis-lapis, Allah memberi petunjuk kepada cahaya-Nya bagi orang yang Dia kehendaki, dan Allah membuat perumpamaan bagi manusia. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu." (An-Nur: 35)

FRIDAY, JULY 9, 2010

~~LuRvE & M@w@dd@h~~

Hadirnya tanpa kusedari...
Menggamit kasih cinta bersemi..
Hadir cinta insan padaku ini...
Anugerah kurniaan illahi...
Lembut tutur bicaranya...
Menarik hatiku untuk mendekatinya..
Kesopanannya memikat di hati...
Mendamaikan jiwaku yang resah ini...
Ya Allah...
Jika dia benar untukku..
Dekatkanlah hatinya dengan hatiku...
Jika dia bukan milikku...
Tabahkanlah hatiku dengan ketentuan-Mu...
Dialah Permata yang Dicari....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Percutian Ke Mabul Island

Tawau dan  Pulau Mabul, Sabah. 7-10/5/2009

Percutian nie.. actually aku nak bagi can anak naik kapal terbang merentas udara

Alhamdulillah dpt cuti dan berjaya menjoinkan diri ke Mabul… Yatta! \(^_^)/.. dan beginilah percutian kami bermula…

..kami naik Air Asia

[KHAMIS] 07052009
Trip kali nie melibatkan kami sekeluarga suami isteri dan tiga anak + 1 anak dalam kandungan bertolak dari  dr Kuantan ke KL..

Tidur di hotel dekat dengan Masjid Lama tawau supaya senang untuk solat.

{SABTU} 09052009
PROGRAM kE Pulau Mabul


Rumah atas air

INFO: Pulau mabul terletak berhampiran dengan Pulau Sipadan dan Pulau Kapalai.. dan actually tiga pulau nie lebih dikenali sbg syurga lautan bagi peminat² sukan scuba diving.

Antara lokasi cantik untuk scuba adalah di Lobster wall, Paradise, Froggy Lair, Coral Heaven and many others.. Selain tue, kedudukan pulau nie yg juga berhampiran dgn negara jiran seperti Indonesia dan Filipina membuatkan majority org-org kat sinie adalah dr bangsa mereka dan bajau laut (sea gipsies).


under the sea

tapi tuelah.. mabul nie kawasannya kurang cetek.. 

Anak-anak Bajau Laut

Yang ditengah tue anak angkat org bajau laut;
sbb tue dier lebih muslimah (^^’)

Budak-budak bajau laut nie.. mmg selalu datang² dan minta makanan. Mmg dah biasa sangat.. Bagilah apa pun diorng x kesah..

dan lagi satu diorng nie dah tahap professional dah kalo bab² jadi model untuk kita amik gambar.. (^^,) sbb dah biasa sgt..

Erm.. actually kalau nak ke Kapalai, Pulau Sipadan atau ke mana² selain drpd yang telah dilistkan dlm pakej tue mmg boleh; tapi perlu top-up harga lain lah.. so lepas berpakat².. maka kami pun top-up sorang RM50++ untuk bersnorkeling di area Kapalai..

INFO: Pulau Kapalai terletak 15 minit dr Sipadan mahupun Mabul. Kapalai yg sangat unik dan tidak seperti pulau² lain di Sabah ini tiada daratan yg boleh dijejaki.. Yang ada hanyalah timbunan tebingan karang yang dikenali sebagai Terumbu Karang Ligitan.

Asalanya terdapat daratan-pulau di sini, tapi berikutan hakisan pasir pantai oleh ombak dan peningkatan aras laut yang semakin ketara, aras ketinggian pulau ini semakin lama dilihat semakin merosot

Perkampungan dan resort terapung yg ada di sini semuanya dibina berasaskan tiang pasak di bawah air dan resort seakan rumah air ini dikelilingi air laut yang bersih dan jernih serta mempunyai karzanah alam yg menakjubkan..

Deng!.. tempat nie mmg cantik!.. Serious cantik.. lebih cantik dr dua tempat snorkelling kami sebelum nie..

then tadi ada a school of fish buat kawat renang laks depan aku.. ke hulu- kehilir.. hehe sgt cantik… dan ada tapak seleman kaler biru.. kalau tgk lelama mcm jejari puak Na’vi (Avatar).. (^^’)

anak-anak masyarakat Bajau Laut.. ~ 

pemandangan senja dr atas deck

Bulan di waktu menginjak ke subuh

Malam terakhir di Mabul (yg penuh dgn emosi & tekanan (^^,)..) Tak keluar pun tgk moonset yg cantik nie.. nasib baik budak² nie amik-kan gambar.. leh gak nikmati kecantikan bulan malam tadi..


Kepulangan diiringi suria pagi.. bubbye Mabul(^_^)/

Oh!.. actually kami ada misi kat Semporna nie.. since masa dtg hari tue x sempat beli apa-apa yg boleh dibawa balik ke semenanjung.. kami dah pakat ngan abg potter supaya bawa kami semua ke pasar..

Dan setibanya di sana.. kami di bawa ke pasar pagi Semporna.. terus ke kawasan org jual ikan kering dan ikan masin..

Macam-macam ada dijual di pasar nie.. hasil tanaman, sayur kampong, ulam-ulaman.. ikan basah.. Ah! dan tauhu dia besar-besar mcm cheese pun ada sekali tengok (^^’)..

Oh!.. dan mujurlah kami tak borong hasil² laut nie dr awal.. kalau tak habis busuk beg ngan bau ikan masin/kering.. Ini pun dah busuk dah.. huhuu(^o^)..

Jeti Awam Semporna

Tapi apa-apa pun.. percutian kali nie sangat berbaloi.. juga hadiah harijadi paling best (^_^).. sbb; akhirnya berjaya menjejakkan kaki di semua negeri di Malaysia. Lepas nie boleh istihar: “Dah Jalan 1 Malaysia”.. hahahaaa.. Saiko naaa~

“Empat belas melintang jalurnya… semua negeri dalam melesiaaa.. ”